Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Had a weekend of mixed feelings about my training.

On the wednesday at the gym session I did some gymnastic and tricking movements that I am pretty happy with, i can nearly bridge to kickover on the floor and i learnt to easily wallspin a flat brick wall. My fluid takeoff was good, i was getting a lot of distance with it. On the saturday I went to train in redhill, I was feeling quite tired and out of it at the beginning of the day but after stretching out and jogging for a while i became more focused. Soo many achievements in the morning at a place near a post office, I did an armjump thats possibly quite near my physical limit at the moment, the landing wasnt fantastic as i slipped fairly far down the wall but it was high impact and scary because its pretty high up. I did precisions at small height (7-8 foot up) they were small but it took a bit of confidence to do them. I did a standing arm jump that although isnt big, has a substantial height difference, every attempt before this I had grabbed with the tips of my fingers and slipped down. But this time I managed to land it fairly easily and climb up. The last achievement at this area was a 180 armjump, where the takeoff wall is a lot smaller than the one you are trying to land on. After a few attempts of just scraping the top of the wall, i landed it pretty nicely and climbed up fast. Although the grip is overgrip so climbing up isnt a problem.

Next area came the problem..ive been practising my fluid takeoff for a while now, i actually learnt it last summer in lisses but its been hard to find it natural. While training with members of sin (Joe, Guy, Teg and Jason) i was sizing up a substantial cat pass precision, and ran upto it to try and land on a rail just below the cat pass pre wall, Im not sure exactly what happened but the takeoff wall is rounded at the edges, and my right hand slipped over the top. I managed to save myself to some extent and landed on my side rather than my head, i was shocked quite badly by it. Ive bailed badly quite a few times before, but my confidence had been running so high that day i really took it hard. Although physically i felt pretty whacked by it, bruised my knee and arm and really badly on my back and hip. That was pretty much the end of my training session that day.

On the sunday I went to london, achey from the previous day but mostly hurting from my bail. All of next gen were there and oh my god have they been training! Really really impressed by all of them. As for me, i could do very little. Attempted 180 cat to cat..couldnt commit...could have done imax precision..couldnt commit...running pre from bollard to wall...story pretty much goes the same. And seriously felt so lame because of it, i know its because i was training at 50% but i just dont like feeling incompetant. The only thing I can give myself credit for is one armed arm jump at imax walls which i landed. But then after that i bailed a wallspin on a TREE..which is so ridiculous because I can do them on flat...just really not impressed. I think its also having my confidence knocked that affected me, its so frustrating.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

This morning I feel like i have been run over by a truck. Lol. Oh well, went to london yesterday to do parkour and a bit of acro for curtis' band Deaco..they are awesome i was very impressed and i seriously think they could be making it bigtime.

Spent all day in martial arts outfit, learning routines..which were not required in the end. But I did do some major posing and eyework. Which apparently I wasnt great at because I was too happy! (my angry face obviously isnt very intimidating) the other girls were dancers from nathans (safe-t man) group, and were sick at picking up movements and routines. In the end I got on film a round off to one foot and then a feeble kick lol and a relatively large cat pass over a worktable. It was really good to see the evo boys and also kerbie again. Its a pity i live so far away from then because they are such wicked guys and I miss training with them.

I just realised ive never really put any of the media work ive done up here (for my own embaressment mostly) so I found a couple of bits online and have put them up.

owen, jin me and msj...haha! we all look a bit different a younger, and im not an midget they made me bend my knees to look smaller (wth?)was a short interview piece for bbc blast. During this time we did a few radio interviews and local news pieces. We also did a video for amateur video makers and jin and owen did a student video piece using parkour in bournemouth called voodoo ray, which is where they met jason.

Rogers television commercial...i have a very small part in this..lead 6 for the advert were danny, chase, liane, emily, cole and stephane. Myself, kerbie, luke, adam, zoe and curtis played the later six. Im the one with the vicky pollard in the last scene wearing green. I actually flew back from a skiing holiday to film in miltion keynes for this. It was well worth it, just to spend so much time with the guys and girls and get paid doing what I love.

My first piece of media work was for pianist maksim mvirca, it was filmed a long time ago now, when i was pretty damn new to everything, but you work with what you have i guess and it was a high profile piece was was shown on classical fm tv. The piece was called kolibre and is a variation of flight of the bumblebee. (and ohhh yeah im wearing my own not so sexy red trousers)