some of you that know me personally will also know that ive had pretty bad knee pain recently that has put me out of action as far as any impact is concerned.
After resting up for a month there was absoloutly no improvement in the soreness of my knees, if anything they were worse and ached all the time.
I finally got my ass to the doctors, who recommended me onto the physio. Although at first some scary talks of arthritis,performing lachmans draw and examining my knee his conclusion was that the hypermobility of all my joints makes me unsuited to impact activities. My ligaments move around more than they should and my joints are more prone to damage than someone with less flexible joints.
I had my physio appointment today, she said that my knee is misaligned, my kneecap is rubbing in the wrong place causing me discomfort, my feet seem quite flat and my knees turn in slightly, fortunatly it can be corrected through simple repititious exercises. However what she didnt tell me was what had caused the problem, so I am still concerned that although I am doing exercises to combat it, it will be a fruitless exercise if i dont find the cause. Im going to a private physio tomorrow to get more information as to prevention in the first place.